
Choose a package that suits your business needs. Cancel anytime.

Cancel anytime.
  • Hosting
  • SSL Certificate
  • Up to 25 Pages
  • 1 User Only
  • No Backups
  • 3% transaction fee
  • €23 per month

Cancel anytime.
  • All Basic Features plus:
  • Up to 100 Pages
  • Weekly Backups
  • Up to 3 Users
  • Monthly Analytics Report
  • 2% transaction fee
  • €46 per month

Cancel anytime.
  • All Business Features plus:
  • Unlimited Pages
  • Priority Support
  • Unlimited Users & Roles
  • Monthly SEO Report
  • 1% transaction fee
  • €92 per month

* Price excl. VAT (only applies to Irish businesses). Fair usage policy applies. Payment processor fees apply on all plans.

We build software so you can focus on the bigger picture.

E: hello at

A: Cork | Ireland

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